
List all WKTs for earth

The formulas used for the operation methods in the WKTs are based on EPSG documentation. Specifically, they are from the publication IOGP Publication 373-7-2 – Geomatics Guidance Note number 7, part 2: Coordinate Conversions and Transformations including Formulas. For more information and to access the latest version of the "Guidance Note 7-2". Please visit this web page.

For more information on how to use these identifiers in PROJ, visit the How to Use IAU Identifiers in PROJ page.

To understand WKT2, please visit the how to decode wkt2 page.

List all WKTs for earth
created_at id solar_body datum_name ellipsoid_name projection_name wkt
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39900 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere No projection
GEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere ",
    DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
	CS[ellipsoidal, 2],
	    AXIS["geodetic latitude (Lat)", north,
	        ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433]],
	    AXIS["geodetic longitude (Lon)", east,
	        ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433]],
	ID["IAU", 39900, 2015],
	REMARK["Use semi-major radius as sphere radius for interoperability. Source of IAU Coordinate systems: doi:10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5"]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39902 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) No projection
GEODCRS["Earth (2015) / Ocentric",
    DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
	CS[spherical, 2],
	    AXIS["planetocentric latitude (U)", north,
	        ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433]],
	    AXIS["planetocentric longitude (V)", east,
	        ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433]],
	ID["IAU", 39902, 2015],
	REMARK["Source of IAU Coordinate systems: doi:10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5"]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39901 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) No projection
GEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
    DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
	CS[ellipsoidal, 2],
	    AXIS["geodetic latitude (Lat)", north,
	        ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433]],
	    AXIS["geodetic longitude (Lon)", east,
	        ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433]],
	ID["IAU", 39901, 2015],
	REMARK["Source of IAU Coordinate systems: doi:10.1007/s10569-017-9805-5"]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39910 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / Equirectangular, clon = 0
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / Equirectangular, clon = 0",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Equirectangular, clon = 0",
        METHOD["Equidistant Cylindrical",
            ID["EPSG", 1028]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of 1st standard parallel", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8823]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39910, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39915 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / Equirectangular, clon = 180
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / Equirectangular, clon = 180",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Equirectangular, clon = 180",
        METHOD["Equidistant Cylindrical",
            ID["EPSG", 1028]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of 1st standard parallel", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8823]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 180,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39915, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39920 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / Sinusoidal, clon = 0
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / Sinusoidal, clon = 0",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Sinusoidal, clon = 0",
            ID["PROJ", "SINUSOIDAL"]],
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39920, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39925 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / Sinusoidal, clon = 180
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / Sinusoidal, clon = 180",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Sinusoidal, clon = 180",
            ID["PROJ", "SINUSOIDAL"]],
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 180,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39925, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39930 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / North Polar
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / North Polar",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["North Polar",
        METHOD["Polar Stereographic (variant A)",
            ID["EPSG", 9810]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin", 90,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8801]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin", 1,
            SCALEUNIT["unity",1,ID["EPSG", 9201]],
            ID["EPSG", 8805]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39930, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39935 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / South Polar
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / South Polar",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["South Polar",
        METHOD["Polar Stereographic (variant A)",
            ID["EPSG", 9810]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin", -90,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8801]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin", 1,
            SCALEUNIT["unity",1,ID["EPSG", 9201]],
            ID["EPSG", 8805]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39935, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39940 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / Mollweide, clon = 0
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / Mollweide, clon = 0",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Mollweide, clon = 0",
            ID["PROJ", "MOLLWEIDE"]],
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39940, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39945 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / Mollweide, clon = 180
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / Mollweide, clon = 180",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Mollweide, clon = 180",
            ID["PROJ", "MOLLWEIDE"]],
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 180,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39945, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39950 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / Robinson, clon = 0
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / Robinson, clon = 0",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Robinson, clon = 0",
            ID["PROJ", "ROBINSON"]],
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39950, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39955 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / Robinson, clon = 180
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / Robinson, clon = 180",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Robinson, clon = 180",
            ID["PROJ", "ROBINSON"]],
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 180,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39955, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39960 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / Tranverse Mercator
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / Tranverse Mercator",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Tranverse Mercator",
        METHOD["Transverse Mercator",
            ID["EPSG", 9807]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8801]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin", 1,
            SCALEUNIT["unity",1,ID["EPSG", 9201]],
            ID["EPSG", 8805]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39960, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39965 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / Orthographic, clon = 0
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / Orthographic, clon = 0",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Orthographic, clon = 0",
            ID["EPSG", 9840]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8801]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39965, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39970 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / Orthographic, clon = 180
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / Orthographic, clon = 180",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Orthographic, clon = 180",
            ID["EPSG", 9840]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8801]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 180,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39970, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39975 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / Lambert Conic Conformal
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / Lambert Conic Conformal",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Lambert Conic Conformal",
        METHOD["Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)",
            ID["EPSG", 9802]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of false origin", 40,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8821]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of false origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8822]],
		PARAMETER["Latitude of 1st standard parallel", 20,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8823]],
		PARAMETER["Latitude of 2nd standard parallel", 60,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8824]],
		PARAMETER["Easting at false origin", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8826]],
		PARAMETER["Northing at false origin", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8827]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39975, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39980 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area",
        METHOD["Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area",
            ID["EPSG", 9820]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin", 40,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8801]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39980, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39985 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / Albers Equal Area
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / Albers Equal Area",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Albers Equal Area",
        METHOD["Albers Equal Area",
            ID["EPSG", 9822]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of false origin", 40,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8821]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of false origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8822]],
		PARAMETER["Latitude of 1st standard parallel", 20,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8823]],
		PARAMETER["Latitude of 2nd standard parallel", 60,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8824]],
		PARAMETER["Easting at false origin", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8826]],
		PARAMETER["Northing at false origin", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8827]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39985, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39990 Earth Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere Earth (2015) - Sphere / Mercator
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere / Mercator",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
        DATUM["Earth (2015) - Sphere",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015) - Sphere", 6378136.6, 0,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39900, 2015]],
        METHOD["Mercator (Spherical)",
            ID["EPSG", 1026]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8801]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39990, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39911 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / Equirectangular, clon = 0
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / Equirectangular, clon = 0",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Equirectangular, clon = 0",
        METHOD["Equidistant Cylindrical",
            ID["EPSG", 1028]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of 1st standard parallel", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8823]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39911, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39916 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / Equirectangular, clon = 180
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / Equirectangular, clon = 180",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Equirectangular, clon = 180",
        METHOD["Equidistant Cylindrical",
            ID["EPSG", 1028]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of 1st standard parallel", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8823]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 180,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39916, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39921 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / Sinusoidal, clon = 0
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / Sinusoidal, clon = 0",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Sinusoidal, clon = 0",
            ID["PROJ", "SINUSOIDAL"]],
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39921, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39926 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / Sinusoidal, clon = 180
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / Sinusoidal, clon = 180",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Sinusoidal, clon = 180",
            ID["PROJ", "SINUSOIDAL"]],
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 180,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39926, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39931 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / North Polar
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / North Polar",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["North Polar",
        METHOD["Polar Stereographic (variant A)",
            ID["EPSG", 9810]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin", 90,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8801]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin", 1,
            SCALEUNIT["unity",1,ID["EPSG", 9201]],
            ID["EPSG", 8805]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39931, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39936 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / South Polar
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / South Polar",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["South Polar",
        METHOD["Polar Stereographic (variant A)",
            ID["EPSG", 9810]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin", -90,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8801]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin", 1,
            SCALEUNIT["unity",1,ID["EPSG", 9201]],
            ID["EPSG", 8805]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39936, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39941 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / Mollweide, clon = 0
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / Mollweide, clon = 0",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Mollweide, clon = 0",
            ID["PROJ", "MOLLWEIDE"]],
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39941, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39946 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / Mollweide, clon = 180
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / Mollweide, clon = 180",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Mollweide, clon = 180",
            ID["PROJ", "MOLLWEIDE"]],
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 180,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39946, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39951 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / Robinson, clon = 0
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / Robinson, clon = 0",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Robinson, clon = 0",
            ID["PROJ", "ROBINSON"]],
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39951, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39956 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / Robinson, clon = 180
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / Robinson, clon = 180",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Robinson, clon = 180",
            ID["PROJ", "ROBINSON"]],
        PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 180,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39956, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39961 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / Tranverse Mercator
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / Tranverse Mercator",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Tranverse Mercator",
        METHOD["Transverse Mercator",
            ID["EPSG", 9807]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8801]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin", 1,
            SCALEUNIT["unity",1,ID["EPSG", 9201]],
            ID["EPSG", 8805]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39961, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39966 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / Orthographic, clon = 0
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / Orthographic, clon = 0",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Orthographic, clon = 0",
            ID["EPSG", 9840]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8801]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39966, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39971 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / Orthographic, clon = 180
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / Orthographic, clon = 180",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Orthographic, clon = 180",
            ID["EPSG", 9840]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8801]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 180,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39971, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39976 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / Lambert Conic Conformal
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / Lambert Conic Conformal",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Lambert Conic Conformal",
        METHOD["Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)",
            ID["EPSG", 9802]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of false origin", 40,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8821]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of false origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8822]],
		PARAMETER["Latitude of 1st standard parallel", 20,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8823]],
		PARAMETER["Latitude of 2nd standard parallel", 60,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8824]],
		PARAMETER["Easting at false origin", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8826]],
		PARAMETER["Northing at false origin", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8827]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39976, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39981 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area",
        METHOD["Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area",
            ID["EPSG", 9820]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin", 40,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8801]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8802]],
		PARAMETER["False easting", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8806]],
		PARAMETER["False northing", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8807]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39981, 2015]]
2025-03-04 IAU:2015:39986 Earth Earth (2015) Earth (2015) Earth (2015) / Ographic / Albers Equal Area
PROJCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic / Albers Equal Area",
    BASEGEOGCRS["Earth (2015) / Ographic",
        DATUM["Earth (2015)",
    	ELLIPSOID["Earth (2015)", 6378136.6, 298.25700617732406,
		LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1, ID["EPSG", 9001]]],
		ANCHOR["Greenwich : 0"]],
    	PRIMEM["Reference Meridian", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree", 0.0174532925199433, ID["EPSG", 9122]]],
        ID["IAU", 39901, 2015]],
    CONVERSION["Albers Equal Area",
        METHOD["Albers Equal Area",
            ID["EPSG", 9822]],
        PARAMETER["Latitude of false origin", 40,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8821]],
		PARAMETER["Longitude of false origin", 0,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8822]],
		PARAMETER["Latitude of 1st standard parallel", 20,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8823]],
		PARAMETER["Latitude of 2nd standard parallel", 60,
            ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433,ID["EPSG", 9122]],
            ID["EPSG", 8824]],
		PARAMETER["Easting at false origin", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8826]],
		PARAMETER["Northing at false origin", 0,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre",1,ID["EPSG", 9001]],
            ID["EPSG", 8827]]],
    CS[Cartesian, 2],
        AXIS["Easting (E)", east,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
        AXIS["Northing (N)", north,
            LENGTHUNIT["metre", 1]],
    ID["IAU", 39986, 2015]]